Category: Personal
The World Is A Great Gift
As I rise up to each passing new day, as with the passing of the clouds, I’m not only thankful for the gift of the beauty of this world, but also thankful to God the giver of this gift. To fully appreciate this, I […]
Lovers Reading by the Lake
How To Beat The System
Back in the day when I started to drive a car, the police were in the beginning phase of using radars to detect the speed you were driving. What followed was the radar detectors so that you would know if you were in the […]
Sunday Afternoon City Chicago
Truth and Transparency
The best way to build trust with others, is to be truthful with transparency. When we rationalize, or cloud things over because we are afraid how others will respond to us, then are we being true to ourselves? If we don’t know who we […]
Resolving Conflicts
The start of strife is like the opening of a dam; check a quarrel before it bursts forth! Proverbs 17:14 The arguer insist on his own way. A conflict resolver looks for a resolution instead of trying to win an argument. Love means looking […]
Free Bird And Sunset Clouds
Letting Go To Grow
The more we hold on to, the less we give away. The more we give away, the less we have to hold on to. Letting go teaches us there is more to life, than just ourselves. When we give ourselves away, it teaches us […]
Stare At This For A Moment
The Cure For Feeling Alone
It is normal for all of us to feel lonely at times, and sometimes wonder if life is worth living. To lose site of our gifts and abilities, and purpose. The good news is there is a cure for this. It is to use […]
Black Tulips In Black And White
The Benefits Of Being In Community
When I saw this birdbath today, I not only noticed the textures and colors, but also thought about how birds are in community. A birdbath is like the community swimming pool. If you will. With social media relevant today, why does it seem so […]
Shadow Light Judas Tree
The morning sunlight illuminates the leaves of a Judas tree, amongst the light and shadow play.
Every Life Has A Story
When I look at all the people in the world, I not only see them as a person, but see the story of their lives. Because it is about stories that make us the people who we are. I believe that integrity is the […]
Feet on the Street
Art is everywhere especially in things that go unnoticed!
The Online Meeting Axiom
In the past year that the COVID pandemic has spread around the world, online conference video chats have become more the norm than the exception they were. And all of these platforms it seems have had to make improvements to their technology to meet […]
Morning Lit Magnolia
The morning sunlight illuminates the pink and white petals on the branches from a magnolia tree. Just a simple moment in life …
The Best Use of Our Time
Sometimes photography will see elements in the sky that the human eye does not. Sometimes reflections in the water see elements in the sky that photography does not. Sometimes the silent moments help us to reflect life more clearly. Many people tell me how […]
I Want to be Free
It seems just about everywhere you look these days people are saying they want to be free, or they want their freedoms. But, I’m wondering if everyone has the same meaning of what freedom is? Freedom n. The condition of not being in prison […]
During my morning coffee, the sky changed like every two minutes over the course of one hour. So too my thoughts.
Forgiveness and Obedience
I think these words are both simple yet profound, because they are easy to understand and agree with, yet not so easy to live: Forgiveness is releasing the other person from the debt that they owe you. Forgiveness does not mean that what they […]
Sunday Silence: Birds
Sunday is a day for silence. And on this Sunday in 2019 the silence pales to the sound of birds singing in the tree branches. ….
Many times we, including myself, tend to judge people based on how we see a situation before or without being fully educated about the matter or understanding fully the people involved. When people hurt us with their words or actions, especially family members or […]
Email is the Original Social Media
With my last blog post, I talked about how using blogs and MeWe are an alternative to the big tech option of information suppression social media. This post I would like to add how Email is the original social media, and I make the […]
The DIgital World, Respond or React.
In the digital world of social media, websites and blogs, mailing list providers and servers, there seems to be an increased amount of delatforming, suppression, and censoring, by companies known as ‘big tech’. Many people seem to be reacting by staying on the platforms […]
Tree Tops Minimalism
Have you ever thought about what it might be like to be a leaf at the top of a tree? … Or do I have too much time on my hands?
Keep Your Focus
This beautiful moment in time came and went in less than twenty minutes, yet it is one of those moments that you steal some time to notice God’s creation, that He is still in control. The thought that came to mind, though, before I […]
Your E-Mail Address and Your Identity
Where you live online has become more important than your street address offline, unless you have packages delivered to you. Specifically, your e-mail address says more about you, and moves with you, than any other identity we can have. Because whether or not you […]