I’ve noticed recently as I go to and from my days between meetings and conferences, and kids sporting events, that most everyone keeps tabs with their smartphone. As I walk by and glance at what’s so important, I can say most of the time […]
Category: Software
Delete the App, Use the Browser
My Love And Hate With Social Media. If, like me, you don’t want to give up social media, because it’s not going away, but you do need a way to seriously cut back, the best way I have found is go off the usual […]
Sunlight Through The Trees
Orton imagery, also called an Orton slide sandwich or the Orton Effect, is a photography technique which blends two completely different photos of the same scene, resulting in a distinctive mix of high and low detail areas within the same photo. It was originated […]
Sunrise Cloud Reflection – Orton Effect
The Online Meeting Axiom
In the past year that the COVID pandemic has spread around the world, online conference video chats have become more the norm than the exception they were. And all of these platforms it seems have had to make improvements to their technology to meet […]
How Do You Get The Talent That You Pay for?
There is this argument among freelancers and contractors, that when you pay for their services that you’re not paying for the service time as much as you pay for the years of experience that brought them to providing their service. I think you pay […]