Sunday is a day for silence. And on this Sunday in 2019 the silence pales to the sound of birds singing in the tree branches. ….
Category: Family
Many times we, including myself, tend to judge people based on how we see a situation before or without being fully educated about the matter or understanding fully the people involved. When people hurt us with their words or actions, especially family members or […]
Tree Tops Minimalism
Have you ever thought about what it might be like to be a leaf at the top of a tree? … Or do I have too much time on my hands?
The Secret to Finding True Rest
While growing up, several members of my family would take a nap in the middle of the day. It was called a ‘power nap’ that would help you to be alert and focused for the rest of the day. But another concept that I […]
Do You Lie To Yourself?
While growing up I used to lie all the time, until about my college days, because I had low self esteem, short of the long, and I wanted to be accepted by everyone. Then I realized how exhausting it was to remember what lie […]
People Don’t Like What I Say
In this digital age we have many choices from social media, to e-mail and mailing list, and even blogs, to write our thoughts. But the thing I often hear from people is they have fear of sharing their thoughts because people won’t like what […]
Faith, Prayer, and Politics.
Sometimes our prayers, with good intentions, don’t seem to make a dent in things, other times we see change, and yet other times prayers are meant to change us to see God’s wisdom in each matter. But the important thing is that, no matter […]
Letting Anger Go
How do we handle our emotions? First we admit them. Second we refuse to let anger control us. Third we ask ourselves key questions, if we should act on it (by talking to the person) or let it go. Anger should be treated as […]
The Real Silent Majority
This is an election year, here, for the United States President. It is said there is a silent majority of people who are not saying who they will vote for, nor put political signs in front of their houses as is the custom. But […]
Why Life Has Its Seasons
When I bought my house, my late father told me to not get attached to it. And the same goes for my neighbors, a few of them recently sold and move out of state. Life has its seasons, and the people we meet are […]
The Beauty of Fog and Mist
There is something about fog that is both beautiful yet mysterious or challenging. Have you ever heard someone say “I need to get through the fog on that” or “this problem has me in the fog”?? Fog is simply condensed water vapor in cloud […]
A Country of Immigrants
The United States is a county made up of immigrants. Many immigrants I talk with say the USA is the greatest country in the world. It’s a land of opportunity. A place where, through hard work, dreams do come true. In my view, every […]
The Key to Networking
Networking is about relationships and the exchange of ideas, information, or services. And many people today have the thought about networking being the practice in business of finding other people to provide their services to, or personally finding relationships to better their lifestyle or […]
How Do You Get The Talent That You Pay for?
There is this argument among freelancers and contractors, that when you pay for their services that you’re not paying for the service time as much as you pay for the years of experience that brought them to providing their service. I think you pay […]
True Inclusion and Diversity
If you look around at websites and social media profiles, some businesses, and the social media platforms themselves, seem to be bowing to the culture wars, especially here in the United States. They design their logos to highlight the cause, and use the hashtags […]