Let There Be Peace on Earth

Our ways are not His ways …
Our thoughts go in many directions like the leaves from these plants. Yet, God’s thoughts are above our thoughts.
I, too, fall into the (dangerous) trap of finding solutions for my problems without God.
Yet when I come to the end of my rope, and finally turn to God, the situation comes out way better than I could ever do myself.
When will I ever learn. I’m not God and never will be.
“Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen.” ~ Hebrews 11:1 (Catholic Bible version).
When I see this moment of hands reaching out to God in prayer, in community, it illustrates to me the outward expression of the inner faith of a community of prayers, in belief of what is hoped for.
Said another way, sometimes, when we don’t have answers or can’t provide a solution, praying to God and trusting Him in faith has proven to do what we can not. In His time and not in ours.
God wants us to depend on Him, and Loves us to the point to provide us the freedom to make that decision.
Orton imagery, also called an Orton slide sandwich or the Orton Effect, is a photography technique which blends two completely different photos of the same scene, resulting in a distinctive mix of high and low detail areas within the same photo. It was originated by photographer Michael Orton in the mid 1980s.
This now can be done with the push of a button in post processing software, just as ribbet.com. However you can manually layer it in Adobe Lightroom as well.
There are a few photography techniques like this that I employ, but for the most part my photography is devoted exclusively to Fine Art Photography . those images which are technically excellent virtually straight from the camera with minimal post processing.
I’ve been attracted by trees lately. The light and shadow play on the branches. The colors from the Fall Season. But deeper, the formations from their environment and the other trees around them .. Or not.
Trees, very much like our lives, all have a life of their own. Each one is different in their own way, though they may be the same kind: Birch, Cedar, Oak, etc. Some tree branches it seems are attracted towards the Light, while others it seems move one direction because of a branch or another tree forces them from another direction.
There are many directions that we can go in life .. One or Another … The choice is ours.
A good choice today will lead to a better tomorrow … We have the power to choose … Use it wisely.
— Zig Ziglar
“The stumbling block to the pessimist, is a stepping stone to the optimist.”
— Eleanor Roosevelt
I’m always intrigued with the juxtaposition of new and old in cityscapes.
What struck me about this view of Chicago architecture was the Illumination from the morning sunlight. Then what came into view is how these structures are from decades apart of each other.
Though each of these are different, they blend together with such beauty, especially when enveloped by the sun and shadows.
Much as in life, and in living our faith, all of us are different, yet together we can do great things that create beauty in this world… such as these buildings… especially when enveloped in faith in this love of the Lord Jesus.
In a similar way, as beauty from the morning light brings promise to prepare for the coming of the new day ahead, so too must we live our faith looking for signs in preparation for the beauty of the coming of the Lord.