The best way to make good decisions is to learn from past good decisions.
That when faced with making a decision, we either react or we respond.
Either way, you can’t fail, because you either succeed or you learn.
As the late Zig Ziglar says, ‘Failure is an event, not a person, yesterday ended last night”.
And the late Henry Ford says, “Failure is an opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently”.
The one thing I have found in making a good decision, is to spend time in the quiet if you can, and not listen to outside influences or make up your mind by how you will be accepted.
Rather, listen to your inner voice, that usually is suppressed by all the noise around you.
Good decision makers, become good leaders, by saying what they mean then mean what they say, and sticking to it.
It is not about being popular, but having others best interest in mind, even if it costs you personally.
If you have the privilege to make decisions, then make good decisions, because then history will be kind to you.
Hi! Thank you for this. So glad that you are still active in Vivaldi blogs. I have not visited Vivaldi for a long time, and have not published for a long time too. The spam comments were big turn off, hehehe…
Yeah, you are right, sometimes making good decisions can be unpleasant for those around us, especially amongst people who are has greater inertia/resistance to change for the “better”.
Wonderful photography… really calming… 🎋☕😊
Wish you a wonderful year 2022! 🏮🧧🧧🧧
All of my good decisions have come from spending a lot of time praying. I’ve learned that what’s best for me is not to listen to my own instincts, or other people’s opinions. I listen to what God puts into my mind and heart. He has served me well; better than what I would have ever done for myself.
Completely agree. God bless. 🙂
I suppose we all come to this with different life experiences, hence our approach to making “good decisions” will vary. For me good decision-making starts with discussion with my wife. I do not make important decisions apart from a consensus with her. Should the decision involve questions of morality then a talk with our priest also enters the equation. And lastly there is my elderly sister for whom I have the greatest respect. I do not make any decisions of import apart from prayer and discussion with these significant others.